Want to improve your organization culture, please take this course!
A great organizational culture in Compassion International is the key to developing the traits necessary in achieving our mission and vision. As a ministry, we must empress a culture necessary to drive our mission and vision as we work together. This course aims to strengthen our cultural behaviour (Compassion Way).
In this course we will help you explore these cultural behaviors in depth. It is our hope that you process and prayerfully reflect on how these Cultural Behaviors have the potential to benefit, challenge, and develop each of us, both individually and collectively.
As you go through the course, you will see that there are few words and much open space. It is our hope that you use this space to write down things you learn during the sessions, as well as anything the Holy Spirit prompts in your heart.
For your convenience, the course contains prompts that follow the order of each section.
At the end of the course are two appendices. The first offers next steps for continuing to practice the Cultural Behaviors after you finish these sessions.
The second is an assessment which you are encouraged to will take today.
This course is open to all new and old staff from Compassion International.
We appreciate you for enrolling yourself in this course.
Blessings in Christ,